Cancellation & Payment Policy

Cancellation Fee:

You may cancel individual bookings of at least 10 business days prior and not be charged. If you cancel booked times less than 10 business days prior to the booked time, you will be invoiced the full amount. Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel a booking so that other groups may utilize the slot. Tournaments or large blocks must be cancelled 2 months prior to the booked date or you will be charged 50% of the booked rate. If you cancel less than 10 business days prior to the booked time, you will be charged the full amount.

Late Payment Fee:

Invoices that are not paid within 21 days will be assessed a 5% late fee. An 18% late payment fee will be added for all invoices that are not paid within 60 days. If an invoice goes past 60 days that account will also be placed on cash only until all fees are collected. Inclement weather cancellations will be handled by a case-by-case basis. If there are hazardous conditions that will not allow safe travel to the arena. Please call us immediately at 218-464-1711 to work out a plan. If you do not call the EDHC to work out an arrangement, you will be billed for the full amount.

EDHC reserves the right to book events that could cause cancellation of your previously booked time. If this happens, we will notify you as soon as possible.